Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Last Minute Healthy Halloween!

If you've procrastinated and still aren't all set for Halloween this evening, you're probably not alone. I'm going to officially admit that I don't even have a costume this year! I still feel like I'm pushing through one of the busiest, most non-stop years of my life and Halloween just didn't take precedence. We don't have any kids (yet), so we'll be holding down the fort and handing out treats to our neighborhood trick-or-treaters (while I sand the wall in the bathroom from the new light fixture we just installed...). I guess I could pose as a contractor :)

Although Halloween typically revolves around candy, there are some alternative healthier (and still fun) treats that you can hand out on this sweet holiday. Check out some of these recipes through today's Around the Plate blog link-up below. You'll find recipes and ideas for healthy treats provided by other dietitians and foodies that are posting in the blogosphere.

As a dietitian, I believe any food has a place in a healthy diet in moderation. So if you choose to have your candy and eat it too, you'll also find tips for enjoying it in a healthy way. Click on the picture below.

Happy Healthy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Roasted Butternut Squash and Brown Rice

I love fall produce! Don't you? Some of my favorite vegetables are the ones that are seasonal in fall: butternut squash, spinach, kale, broccoli...and butternut squash again. It's silky, rich flavor is so satisfying. Plus it's easily prepared and versatile too. Yum yum.

Butternut squash is a starchy vegetable, but not your typical one. It falls on the spectrum between zucchini and potatoes with only 80 calories and 20 grams of carbohydrate per cup. Plus it's high in filling fiber--a whopping 5 grams per serving! On the inside, it's another one of those veggies that is deeply-colored, meaning it's packed with antioxidant vitamins. Bright orange veggies are know for carotenoids, which can help you retain good vision. One serving of butternut squash supplies an enormous amount of vitamin A; I'm talking over 200% the daily value, and 30% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Here's one of my most favorite butternut squash recipes yet--an original of course. It's okay to love your own cooking, right?! This recipe is substantial enough to be served entree-style either as a vegetarian meal or with some grilled chicken. If you haven't tried butternut squash, this is a good starter recipe for you. Enjoy!

Roasted Butternut Squash and Brown Rice
Serves 6.

  • 1 1/2 cups brown rice, dry
  • 3 cups water
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt, divided
  • 1/4 teaspoon thyme
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 cup baby spinach leaves, rinsed
  • 6 cups butternut squash (1 medium squash)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons pine nuts

  1. Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add rice, pepper, thyme, garlic powder and half the salt. Return to boil. Cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for 30-45 minutes until water is absorbed.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare squash by peeling, scooping out seeds and cutting into 1/2 inch cubes. {Don't toss your seeds out! See link below for roasting.} Spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and stir to coat squash. Sprinkle with remaining salt. Roast at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, turning halfway through cooking time. Squash should be tender, easily pierced with a fork but not mushy, and starting to brown. Pull from oven and allow to cool slightly.
  3. When rice is done, tear spinach leaves and stir into rice. Allow leaves to wilt.
  4. Heat a small skillet on medium heat. Toast pine nuts in the dry skillet, turning every 30 seconds until lightly golden. Watch them, they'll brown quickly!
  5. Gently fold squash into rice and spinach mixture. 
  6. Add pine nuts and stir once more. Serve!

Nutrition Facts: Calories 274 | Total Fat 5g | Saturated Fat <1g | Cholesterol 0mg | Sodium 112mg | Total Carb 53g | Fiber 4.5g | Protein 5.5g.

Download the recipe here!

Related posts:
Toast your squash seeds for a delicious snack using this recipe.

Butternut Squash with Haricot Verts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Secrets of a Good Night's Sleep

There's ever-mounting evidence that poor sleep may play a major role in obesity. "Tired" cells don't use insulin as well as the cells of a well-rested body, ultimately causing disturbances in metabolism of fat and hormone balance. {Read more in Part 1 of this story: Are Groggy Cells Making You Gain Weight?} Bottom line: simply not being well rested may cause weight gain and increased hunger.

We all lead busy lives. You're not alone if you feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day! But setting aside time for adequate sleep is just as important as making that appointment for work or your kid's soccer game.

The average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. But if you're running (or your mind is running) right up until the time you hit the hay, you may find it difficult to get adequate sleep. The foods and beverages we choose in the latter hours of the day can also affect the quality of our sleep and how quickly we fall asleep too.

Here are some ways to promote getting a healthy night's rest:

1. Pick foods that promote rest and avoid those that don't. 

It's tough to go to sleep when you're tummy is growling. That's one reason why the "don't eat after 7:00" rule is really a myth. A little food in your stomach may actually help you sleep. Just make sure to keep your evening snack small. Several snacks or a big meal will not only add unnecessary calories, which can promote weight gain, but will also be tough on your digestive system, making it more difficult to get to sleep. Set aside a calorie "budget" for your bedtime snack. If your dinner is only a few hours from bedtime, you may not need a snack.

Opt for complex carbs at bedtime, not protein. Higher-fiber carbohydrate foods release glucose into the bloodstream slowly, so they're perfect for promoting rest. Protein is harder to digest and may be higher in fat. So skip the high-protein snack and opt for dairy or starchy types of carbs, like a warm glass of milk or crackers.

Foods containing tryptophan, a sleep-promoting amino acid, make great evening snacks. That's why you might have heard that drinking milk before bedtime can help you fall asleep (or why you feel so tired after that Thanksgiving turkey). Foods that are high in tryptophan include nuts and seeds, oats, dates and dairy products.

Foods rich in the minerals magnesium and potassium help the body relax. Good sources of magnesium include nuts and seeds, whole grains, peanut butter, bananas and milk. Potassium-rich foods include raisins, bananas, oranges, milk, yogurt, apricots and cantaloupe.

Consuming too many high-fat foods is never a good idea, but before bedtime, high-fat foods are an especially poor choice. They are more difficult to digest, may make you uncomfortable and can cause indigestion. Some research shows they may even interrupt your sleep cycle. A big meal, or one that's high in fat, may take 6 hours to fully digest.

Watch the spicy stuff. Spicy foods, similar to chocolate, caffeine, acidic foods and high-fat foods, can cause stomach upset and indigestion, especially before bed or when lying down. Avoid these at least two to four hours before bedtime.

Caffeine, even in moderate amounts, can make it difficult to fall asleep. Thank you Captain Obvious. But aside from coffee, don't forget about less obvious caffeine sources, like chocolate, colas (even diet) and tea. For better sleep, stop drinking caffeine at least four hours before bedtime. Check your evening beverages to make sure they are decaffeinated. After all, a mug of hot tea can be help you wind down--just make sure it's decaf.

Limit alcohol before bedtime too. It may help you fall asleep faster, but it leads to frequent awakenings, less time spent in the "deep sleep" cycle, night sweats and vivid dreams. If you're consuming alcohol in the evening, make sure to also drink water. For a good night's sleep, it's best to avoid alcohol at least four hours before bed.

Drink your H20...but not too close to bedtime. Staying hydrated is very important to overall health. But waking up for even just a few minutes to go to the bathroom interrupts sleep enough to make you tired the following day.

2. Exercise.

Exercise is beneficial for cardiovascular health, weight management and well-being. You may not know that studies show exercise helps facilitate a restful sleep too. Burning energy through exercise helps fatigue your body so that it's easier to fall asleep. As body temperature falls after exercise, your body will begin to relax. So exercise in the evening may not really be a bad idea. Try exercising at different times of the day to find out which time is best for you. But as I always say, "Anytime is a good time for exercise."

3. Wind down.

Even if you get into bed on time, it can be very difficult to fall asleep when you've got stuff on your mind. Ease your worry and clear your mind by:
  • Keeping a journal to relieve stress and let go of the worries you've faced during the day.
  • Make a list of things that you need to get done tomorrow or that you want to remember.
  • Start getting ready for bed an hour before you plan to hit the sheets. Get in your jammies, wash your face, brush your teeth and perform other nighttime rituals.
  • Read a book. I like reading fiction before bed. It takes my mind off the "real world" and gives me a chance to indulge in something a little less serious. Plus, even the most interesting book starts to make me weary at bedtime!
  • Put down the electronics and turn off the TV. The bright lights can keep your mind stimulated and keep you awake.

4. Schedule sleep.

Set up your own sleep schedule. Try to go to sleep and wake up at approximately the same time every day and night. Get your body into a rhythm and you'll find it's easier to fall asleep on time and get up feeling good.

We hear about diet and exercise a lot when it comes to our health and weight management. But don't forget that sleep is just as important! If you think you may not be getting enough (or quality) sleep, start taking steps to solving this problem. Try my tips above or contact your doctor. Your body (and your waist line) will thank you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Trick or Treat?! Calories in Halloween Candy Revealed

How do you "survive" a holiday that seems to revolve around candy? Even with the best intentions, when candy is littering the house--in your kids Halloween buckets, in the basket you plan to pass out, at parties--it can be tough to avoid overindulging.

Sure it's okay to treat yourself occasionally, but to make sure you're not really tricking yourself, find out how many calories are in that candy! Since "fun" size candies typically don't come with a Nutrition Facts label, refer to the following list to make sure you're not eating more calories than you think. Those little treats can add up quickly.

Download a free Halloween candy list here! (a GoogleDoc)

To give yourself a hand, here are some additional tips to help you minimize the temptation to over-do it:
  • Make sure there is a limited quantity of candy in your home. In other words, try to estimate only the amount you need so there aren't bunches of leftovers. Try not to open candy bags until trick-or-treat time.
  • For your Halloween candy handouts, buy candy that you don't particularly like. You won't feel as much like snagging a piece!
  • After trick-or-treating, weed through the candy buckets and get rid of things you (and your family) don't like. 
  • Don't leave buckets or bowls of candy in plain sight. Instead, put them on a high shelf in the pantry or cupboard where you don't see them all the time.
  • Freeze chocolate candy so that it's out of sight, out of mind, but still available for the occasional treat.
  • Set some limits about how many pieces you, your spouse and your kids are allowed in a day. 

This is a special time of year! Part of the fun includes some special treats and foods we don't eat often throughout the rest of the year. But remember, most of what we eat should be doing something good for our bodies. Candy is a treat because it doesn't have much nutritional value and can often times come packing a lot of fat and added sugar. Enjoy yourself, but keep it within limits so you're taking care of your health too.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Related post:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are Groggy Cells Making You Gain Weight?

We've known for a long time that adequate sleep is important in helping you think clearly, perform efficiently and feel your best. Over recent years, scientists have noticed that there are also correlations between sleep and weight. In a new study, published in Tuesday's issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers took a closer look at our bodies' response to too little sleep...and how it can definitely affect your health in a multitude of ways.

Lack of sleep makes you feel groggy, but did you know that it makes your cells groggy too? Here's the low down:
  • Your cells use insulin to help break down food into fuel for your body. 
  • Metabolically "tired" cells (resulting from lack of sleep) have a 16% decreased response to insulin.
  • "Tired" cells also have 30% decreased insulin sensitivity, or the ability to use insulin properly.

When cells don't use insulin as they should:
  1. You may be fatigued from lack of energy.
  2. Fat cells don't metabolize fats from your diet as well, which means they are left in the blood stream. That can be a cause for high cholesterol and triglycerides which increases the risk for heart attack and stroke. Fats in the blood may get stored in other tissues, such as the liver, too.
  3. Insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes, a disease in which the body cannot process glucose efficiently, and can lead to serious complications.
Lack of sleep can also be a culprit when it comes to weight gain because it decreases levels of a "fullness hormone" called leptin. When leptin levels are low, your brains sends you a signal that says, "I'm hungry." An increased appetite can easily lead to overeating, or at least eating more calories than our body needs. Combine that with lack of energy to prepare a meal and you've got two strikes against you. This imbalance of satiety (fullness) hormones is also related to the cells' decreased sensitivity to insulin.

Those who participated in the study were sleep deprived for only four nights, enough to impact their fat cells' response to insulin. You can image the kind of effect chronic sleep deprivation and sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, could have on your body and your health.

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Do you get enough? 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sundried Tomato and Goat Cheese Grits

Grits. To me they are one of the ultimate comfort foods. They remind me of my grandma, who prepares our family's favorite cheese grits--a holiday tradition. They're not necessarily a healthy item, but they sure are delicious. They also remind me of a more recent favorite dish, shrimp and grits, which I cannot pass up on a menu when I see it.

There's something about grits that just makes me feel warm and tingly inside. They're surprisingly versatile. Grits can be dressed down and casual, like traditional breakfast grits with salt and butter, or dressed up in a variety of ways for dinner meals. I love them both ways. Their ease of preparation and warm goodness makes them a great addition to your fall meals.

This simple and surprisingly fast recipe can be enjoyed any time of the day. The flavors make it ideal to accompany eggs at brunch or chicken at dinner. You won't have to waste a lot of calories on this side dish either. Since the goat cheese is rich and creamy, you don't have to add a lot to get the indulgent taste of cheese grits.

Sundried Tomato and Goat Cheese Grits
Serves 4.

  • 3/4 cup white grits (like Quaker Old Fashioned Grits)
  • 3 1/2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons sudried tomatoes, chopped (the dehydrated, not the marinated kind)
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • Several grinds of fresh ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 ounces goat cheese

  1. Bring water to a boil in a medium pot. Add grits, tomatoes and seasonings. Stir.
  2. Cover. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes or until thickened. 
  3. Remove from heat. Stir in goat cheese and serve immediately.
Liz's tip: If you have leftovers (definitely make leftovers), add a splash of milk and stir before reheating. This helps to prevent the grits from getting too thick.

Nutrition Facts (per 1/4 recipe): Calories 148 | Total fat 3g | Saturated fat 2g | Cholesterol 6mg | Sodium 241mg | Carb 26g | Fiber 2g | Protein 6g.

Download the recipe here.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Loving Fall: Tips to Invigorate Your Routine

It's really starting to feel like fall in St. Louis. I find the beginning of every season to be really exciting, but I especially love the beginning of fall. Particularly because the weather is so nice that it such a great time to be outdoors--where I love being the most. Take advantage of the fall season as an opportunity to freshen up your routine. Here's how I change mine up.

I love exercising outdoors in the fall. Especially this week when there has been a cloudless sky, bright sunshine and perfectly cool fall air. You know, that type of weather that's warm enough to exercise in shorts and a tank top, but breezy enough to not really get sweaty? I love looking at the beautiful colors that Mother Nature displays during fall too; it makes my workout a lot more interesting. Even my drive to work gets a little more pleasing as I overlook the tree-filled hills of Missouri changing colors.

I love pumpkins! I don't know what it is, but I could decorate my house with tons of them, except for the fact that Mr. Patton holds me back (which as much as I hate to admit it is probably a good thing). This year, our best friends grew a pumpkin patch on their farm in southern Kentucky and let us come out to pick pumpkins. It was so much fun and I got to pick lots of pumpkins! Mr. Patton was pleased because my obsession with pumpkins didn't knock our budget at all this year :) (Thanks, you know who!) Stay tuned for when I turn our pumpkins into delicious recipes to enjoy later this fall.

Fall means it's time for the annual St. James Art Fair in Louisville, Kentucky (my hometown). Attending the art fair has been a family tradition of ours for as long as I can remember. This year my aunt invited lots of family to town so we had an especially fun time! I love discovering new artists and adding unique pieces to our home--it's something I look forward to every year. This year I found Spirit Dancing who creates these beautiful "smoosh pots." I bought two...and will probably be back to their booth next year. Check out their shop on Etsy for your own taste of St. James.

I love campfires--the smell of them, the food you cook on them and the camaraderie that happens around them. My favorite things to cook over the campfire are Hebrew National beef hot dogs and s'mores. (Yes, both indulgences). For my friend's recent baby shower I was asked to create a "s'mores bar" for which I designed several "gourmet" s'mores:
  • Double dark chocolate: chocolate graham crackers, dark chocolate bar, roasted marshmallow
  • Turtle: chocolate or honey grahams, almond chocolate bar, caramel pieces, roasted marshmallow
  • Caramel apple: cinnamon grahams, caramel pieces, apple slices, roasted marshmallow
  • Peanut butter: honey grahams, Reeses cup, roasted marshmallow.
We have a bunch of leftovers, so we'll be roasting marshmallows over our little fire pit tomorrow night. S'mores only have about 110 calories each and have about 5 grams of fat. If you can enjoy only 1 or 2, they're a practical option for dessert at your fall parties.

I love hearty, fall foods that warm me up as the temperature drops. I use the crockpot to prepare dinner often during the fall and winter. Hello, chili! I also include more fall veggies, such as butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and kale, in our side dishes. They're hearty, filling and a refreshing change. Start with some of these recipes and keep watching the blog as a I share some of my other fall recipes over the next few weeks.

Fall is a great time to invigorate your meal plan and exercise habits. Branch out from your routine a little bit and try some new things. Healthy eating and routine exercise are a lot more fun when you're not doing the same old, same old thing all the time. Fall is the perfect time to make a change! Spice up your fall routine by:
  • Checking your grocery for fall veggies. If you're not familiar with how to cook them, find a new recipe and try one new food or recipe a week.
  • Begin an outdoor activity like walking, jogging, hiking or biking. 
  • Use your crockpot to prepare healthy "comfort" food and keep the grill going on nights when the air isn't too cold.

What do you love about fall? How to you invigorate your routines?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tomato Basil and Goat Cheese Bruschetta

This is a super simple recipe that can be adapted for either summer or winter. Since I'm still bringing in lots of cherry tomatoes from my garden and my basil plant is kicking, I tossed it together last night to bring to our friends' house as an appetizer.

I love the recipe in summer because it requires very little prep and can be tossed together from what I've got growing outside. Easy! The flavors of fresh tomatoes and basil just can't be beat, especially when they're layered on top of one of my faves--goat cheese.

In winter, when tomatoes aren't at their peak, convert the recipe to its winter counterpart by seasoning and roasting the tomatoes before serving. Lightly toast the sliced baguette. This warm version is perfect for when it's cold outside.

Either way, this is a healthy appetizer that serves up whole grains and lycopene, an important phytochemical that may help prevent cancer. Plus it won't make too big of a dent in your calorie budget before you even get to your entree.

Tomato Basil and Goat Cheese Bruschetta
Serves 4-6.

  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered or halved (depending on size)
  • 1/4 cup (loosely packed) fresh basil leaves, cut chiffonade-style (see below for instructions)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Dash of garlic
  • Dash of Kosher salt
  • Freshly ground pepper, used liberally, to taste
  • Whole grain baguette, sliced (pictured on Trader Joes' Seeded Wheat Baguette)
  • 2 ounces goat cheese.


  1. Combine tomatoes, basil, oil and seasonings in small serving dish.
  2. Serve on sliced baguette spread with goat cheese. Lightly "smoosh" the tomatoes into the cheese so they don't fall off when eating.

chiffonade? Just a fancy word for something so simply elegant. It's a knife technique for cutting herbs, like basil, into thin strips--like little ribbons. To cut basil chiffonade-style, stack the leaves on top of one another, then gently roll them lengthwise. Slice across the roll to create thin strips (about every 1/8-inch). I often use one of my favorite kitchen tools, my herb scissors, to do this even more quickly.

If you have fresh herbs in your garden or buy them regularly, you definitely need a pair of these! They are what I used to cut the basil for this recipe and they're available in The GoodFood Store.

Related recipes:
Roasted Tomato Tapenade

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Drying Herbs From the Garden

It's that time of year again...time to start harvesting the rest of your summer vegetable plants. I fear that our first frost will be coming really soon (it is October, after all), so my project this week is to get all my remaining vegetables and herbs taken care of.

Herbs are one of my most favorite things to grow in my garden. Funny, because they also happen to take the least effort! But nothing compares to having fresh herbs to cook with, especially when they're sitting right outside on your deck or patio. I have a sunny window box right above my kitchen sink, so I bring many of my potted herbs inside for the winter. I've had parsley and rosemary plants that survive two seasons! This year, I grew mint in the garden, instead of in a pot. So it was time to harvest the last of it and bring it in.

I don't use mint very often, so I decided that drying would be the best way save it. Drying (or dehydrating) is a great way to save any herb from your garden if you don't plan on using it quickly. Herbs won't retain their quality if left in the refrigerator for more than about a week. {If you keep fresh herbs in the refrigerator, try one of my favorite products from The GoodFood Store: the Prepara Herb Savor Pod. It helps keep them fresh longer!} One of the quickest and easiest ways to dry herbs is by using a dehydrator.

I was kind of "iffy" when Mr. Patton said he wanted to invest in a dehydrator (he wanted to make homemade beef jerky) earlier this year. I didn't think it would be that useful. But now I'm very thankful that we have it! It makes the process of drying herbs very easy. {This dehydrator is also available in The GoodFood Store} It turns out that this purchase has helped us save money because extra food doesn't go to waste.

Do dehydrate mint:
  • Place mint leaves in the dehydrator in a single layer. You can leave them on their stems and remove them later, but I trimmed the leaves off mine first before putting them in the dehydrator.
  • Turn dehydrator on 100 degrees.
  • Allow 2-4 hours for leaves to dehydrate, checking every so often--they should become dry and brittle.
  • Store whole or crushed leaves in an air-tight container, in a cool, dark place. I just crumble the herbs with my fingers and store them in a standard spice jar. Like Paula Deen says, the best tool is your hands!
Dried herbs never go bad. However, they do lose some of their potency and aroma after about one year. Drying herbs is a great way to keep the fresh flavor of summer in your kitchen year-round and a great way to boost flavor in your food without adding too much salt (sodium). is a great website to use as a reference for drying herbs (as well as planting herbs, fruits and vegetables). Check it out for instructions on drying other types of herbs too!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 BIG Reasons Why You Should Pack Your Lunch

Packing your lunch might be just another task added to your already long list of things to do. But taking the time to bring your own lunch to work is well worth it. Here’s why:

1. Nutrition.
Of course this is numero uno! Restaurant foods and the restaurant environment top my list for reasons our public is struggling with obesity and health concerns such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Most restaurant foods are high in fat, cholesterol and sodium while falling short on some of the most important nutrients: fiber, vitamins and minerals. Proper nutrition is key to staying healthy. By packing your lunch, you have more control over your health.

2. Calories.
They're the culprit that adds inches to your waistline. Many restaurants are offering healthier choices and providing calorie information, but truly healthy, lower-calorie choices are hard to find when it comes to dining out. Combine that with temptation to veer off track while staring at the menu when you’re starving come noontime. It’s tough to stay within limits. Take your lunch to work, stick within your calorie goals, maintain a healthy weight.

3. Money.
Packing your lunch will save you money—no doubt about it. And I'm talking hundreds of dollars in cold hard cash! Think about it. How much do you spend when you go out to eat? $5 per meal? $10? $15? Multiply that times 20 (5 days per week times four weeks per month). Yikes! A packed lunch, such as a turkey sandwich, baked chips, a piece of fruit and some carrot sticks will run you about three bucks. You’ll be saving money you could spend on something else fun. Reward yourself! How about a shopping trip? New electronic? Running shoes? Or some cool lunch-packing supplies?!

4. Time.
Yes—packing your lunch will save you time. How? During your lunch break. Instead of having to spend time picking up lunch at the drive-through or waiting in line at the cafeteria, all you have to do is sit down and enjoy. Bonus: you just earned some relaxation time in the middle of a hectic day (or for the workaholics, more time to get the job done).

5. Energy.
How do you feel after indulging in a burger and fries from your favorite fast food restaurant? I’m willing to bet your answer is sluggish. That’s because higher fat, lower fiber foods slow you down and make you feel like napping. That's no good when you still have half a work day left! Swap that high-fat meal (and vending machine snacks) for something from home and you’ll be more efficient at work. You won’t even need that afternoon pick-me-up.

Are you convinced?
