Today, March 27, 2012, is the 24th Annual American Diabetes Association Diabetes Alert Day. The ADA calls Alert Day a "wake-up call" asking Americans to take the Diabetes Risk Test to find out if they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. This year, the ADA is debuting an updated risk test. Don't worry--it's painless! No finger-stick required. All you'll have to do is answer a few questions about your weight, age, family history and other potential risks for diabetes or pre-diabetes. It takes less than a minute and it's free! If you find out you are at risk for developing diabetes, you'll get some tips that will help you prevent the disease that affects more than 26 million Americans. Last year, over 600,000 people took the test. It's the ADA's goal to beat that number this year. Be one of them!

I took the risk test this morning. My risk was a "1," which means at "lower risk." But I do have some risk factors for developing diabetes--a family history. So I'm taking action now by eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising.
Read more about Alert Day here. If you are at risk for developing diabetes or have diabetes and want help, contact me. It's my specialty and I'm on your team!
You can make a difference in your risk.
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