In search of the best performance “fuel,” researchers at
Appalachian State University compared the effects of a typical sports drink
versus a banana on cycling performance. They found that during intense cycling,
both options yielded comparable athletic performance, but that bananas have some additional benefits that sports drinks don’t. Bananas
provide a "nutritional boost" due to their naturally occurring fiber, potassium
and vitamin B6.
So the question remains: which fuel is best?
Natural foods are a great fuel for our bodies. Bananas are
cheap and easy to carry, peel and eat during exercise. Depending upon the type,
intensity and duration of exercise you are performing, different commercial
products or beverages may be more appropriate than whole foods. But whenever
possible, fuel your body with food! It’s a more complete nutritional package with benefits that beverages and supplements may not have. Compare
nutrients between foods and supplement options to make sure you select the best
fuel for your particular type of exercise. Also be sure you don't over-do it on all the "extras" that can be included in supplements. In other words, avoid over-kill on nutrients. Taking in too much of certain electrolytes, vitamins and minerals may not have any added benefit or could even be harmful.
One medium banana contains about 27 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 105 calories, and is a good source of potassium (422 mg) and vitamin B6 (0.43 mg).
Sixteen ounces of Gatorade contains 28 g carbohydrate coming from a sucrose-dextrose-fructose blend, 100 calories, 220 mg sodium and 60 mg potassium.
Gatorade’s G2 line is an option for those looking to replenish electrolytes while sparing carbohydrates and calories.
If you are training for a race and plan to use fruit, sports
drinks or other supplements to refuel, make sure you “practice” with the type
of fuel you plan to use before the real race so that there are no surprises.
Talk with your trainer and dietitian about your exercise, nutrition and
refueling plans for optimal performance.
Sources: Science Daily, PLoS One
Photo credit: www.FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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